
Showing posts with the label Medicinal

Home Remedies

Untitled Original Painting  Todays world is vastly becoming prescription-oriented.Ok, I don't have to tell you about all the new dynamic drugs on the the market today.Just the sheer impact of the T.V. sponsored programs can suggest and give you these in mass volumes.But what about those old home remedies we relied on in the past, chicken soup,camomile tea, and the likes.Did you know that a combination of vinegar and oil helps to stop spiders forming webs inside the home?How about water and vanilla favoring for small gnats.And the so many usages of Apple cider vinegar is beyond me.How did this all start?Did we as a society just woke up and said enough is enough and back to basics was the new order of the day.Things like CBD oil, herbal tea,teas for diet,olive oil as a moisturizer who will think of the next great potion.Snake oil salesman I tell you, just snake oil salesman.  Ok,I maybe getting off target with the humor but where is this all go...