Will Ten Tips For Marketing Your Business Online Ever Rule The World?

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Exploring Digital Marketing Tools For Business 

In this featured post we will explore how digital marketing can help drive more customers to your website and what tools are needed to get your business up and running.  We will give your online presence the power it will need to effectively get your products and services to those who you will target as potential customers and users.

I will  start with a simply question that was ask by a friend of mine recently. In an effort to gain more customers for his storefront of farmed-based products he wanted to know how he would market to a broader audience?

First things first.  What is your target audience?  Who will be purchasing your product?  Where do they reside in relation to your business?  These are all things to consider as you plan your marketing campaign.  As potential buyers search for products you should undoubtedly be able to answer any and most of these questions.  Finding your customer base can be a challenge in todays world where so many options for buyers exist.  We will start right at home or more accurately in your local community.

Start On Social Media

Facebook has been one of the driving media platforms for most of digital marketing campaigns. With your collection of friends and family members this is probably a good place to start.  I would recommend you get in touch with as many of your contacts on your Facebook page and generate as much interest in what your business is about and how it will serve the needs of any potential customers you wish to target. Go into your page profile to give a general description of yourself.  People want to know a little about you as a company and more specifically as a person.  Basically who they will be interacting with for any goods or services your company provides. Facebook can be a good place to run ads and give customers insights into where you are located and what hours you are opened during the week. Here you can post images of what you offer and find out what pain points are unique to buyers looking for your products. The sweet spot is your built-in contacts that can help your find those searching for what your are offering. Make posts about upcoming events you will intend to have and  places where customers can go to view your products. Use your social media contacts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other sites that will generate interest in your company. Take advantage of family members and friend contacts and also groups that can find you online as well as reaching your site on the map.

Location Location Location 

As mentioned earlier, it is crucial that your customers are aware that you have a presence on social media . The power to direct traffic to your location on the map is also related to how potential customers will find you.  Google employs sitemap and mapping of your location to let those who are searching for your business know how they can find you.  There are other sources like Yelp, Yext, and Yahoo that you can use to help customers find your location.  It will behoove you to explore as many different entities so that you are found easily by customers.  You cannot imagine how many times people will ask for directions to your business just by simply contacting you by telephone.  This may seem like a small issue to you because of the fact that you can give your customers direction to your business.  But what if you find that this is not always feasible.  What I mean is that taking directions can be sometimes the most challenging for many of us.  Reading navigation while driving can be frustrating to some of us and I have often found myself losing my way quite easy!  This is where the above sources come into play. These sitemaps render finding you on the map with less confusion than you or your employees trying to do so own their own.  This can cost you valuable time and sometimes money.  Save time by providing a sitemap of your location.  Your location is vital to traffic be it physical or digital. Your site is like real estate to most who are searching you on the web or internet.  Think of your site as a link on the web or internet neighborhood. You are virtually competing with hundreds or maybe thousands of other businesses just like yours.  Google connects over three millions of websites and apps, so you can see how finding you can be often a complex process to say the least.  If you build your site way outside of town this complicate matters even more. You are in essence adding another building to the internet neighborhood. Where would you rather have your building?  In a popular location or busy intersection?  If it is on the outskirts of town this may be hard to find.  Use this in the same way as your physical locale and you will be able to grow your business traffic more effectively.

Advertising To Drive More Sales

In order to bring more customers to your business we all know we must use advertising . This can be done in a variety of ways and online ads are sometimes less costly than say television or radio ads.  To start we first must budget for any advertising.  Ad campaigns will be an intricate part of your business model.  Setting out a specific budget will help you choose the right ads that will bring you customers.  This is where we look at  social media sites such as Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and others for assistance.  I must tell you that some of these site are much less costly than others.  The trick is to find the ones that gives your business the visibility that is needed to drive more sales and leads.  It will be a part of a long line of strategies of rinse and repeat techniques to gain a foothold in your business niche.  Building awareness will increase how well people know your brand.  Targeting a campaign with clear objectives can make advertising goals that will encourage potential customers to explore your products, goods, and or services.  Your advertising campaign should stress what your intentions are clearly.  Leverage advertising to drive action: getting leads by motivating people; and keep existing customers as well as find future customers.  This is where the technique of rinse and repeat becomes part of a monthly schedule or you can do this maybe in three month intervals. This will all depend on how effective your ad campaign is and how many leads you generate for your business.  Have a goal in mind and continue to work on ways to tweak your ad campaign.  Don't overlook your competitor as a source of information and resources.  They are in the same business and finding out what may work for them can help you structure a better ad campaign for you as well.  Connecting to links of similar business as yours are the norms in big business models.  Do you think that Coca-Cola and Pepsi don't look at each others ad campaigns and adjust accordingly?  These are tried and true tested marketing strategies  that are at your disposal as you grow your business.  Take advantage of what is offered.  Use social media platforms as cost effective measures in advertising.  The old saying that nothing is new under the sun runs deep.  You are not reinventing the wheel just altering it to fit your business needs.  Gaining knowledge of what works for similar businesses is in line with smart business practices. 

Ten Tips On What Will Help Your Business Grow

1. Posting on your Facebook business page will help promote your business organically.  

2. Reach more people with easy-to-do promotions and boosted posts.

3. Create a Facebook Ad by choosing an objective and selecting your audience.

4. Make connections with leads online to help your business increase sales.

5. Test your ads to measure results.

6. Remember to plan, create, reach and optimize all source on your social media posts.

7. Communicate with your audience in posts, pins(Pinterest ), and Instagram and Twitter feeds.  Understand your target audience by demographics, age groups,  gender, and what types are in need of your products and services.

8. Engagement lets you notice how many people are coming to your site. Keep track of who does visit and if they like, share, and comment on your post.

9. Always connect with the people in your neighborhood and local business source like the Better Business Bureau. These organizations can keep you "in the loop" and abreast of what kind of things that could impact your business locally.

10. Build Your Brand: Use Facebook and other social media sites to help build your audience and raise awareness for what your business is providing. Social media will allow others to  discover what your company does and learn about your brand.

Using these social media sites to market your business will not guarantee success instantly but as your business grows you will have gained more visibility and knowledge into what is possible

As we we move forward with more marketing ideas one that would greatly increase your chances of success is purchasing a niche website that is already active.  These are site which are up for sale on the open market.  The owners have decided to leave and sell these websites for some reason or the other and place them on an auction site for profit.  They are already established and many have income sources that the previous owner has used to market with affiliate sales. (Read my article on affiliate marketing for more information).  You will be able to find out what these websites did to increase traffic to their sites and how they marketed their desired niche to promote affiliate sales. There are several companies that will allow you to buy and sell existing websites.  GoDaddy.com., Dan.com., and MotionInvest.com.

MotionInvest.com  is a site that promotes the buying and selling of niche websites.  I must disclose that I am an affiliate and any products you purchase can make me some small profit.  No worries, this is the marketing game and you should try as many options that are available to expand and promote your business.  This can include online courses, content ideas from Google,  Qoura, Bing,  and other information website and search engines.  All is fair in love and marketing, so to speak. So lets continue on marketing your products, shall we?

Knowing how to solve your clients needs is what will separate you as an engaged marketer. There are three questions you should be asking yourself and of your staff/team. Presenting your buyers with value can be how we start to find out what is important to marketing your products. Value is the most important  theme to help you steer more customers to buy from you and not your competition.  While you maybe promoting the same product or one that is better than your competitors, why should the customer buy from you? We will examine the answer with three reasons to see value as a plus for your marketing strategy.

1. Value:  The benefits of what is our buyers gaining from this product. How will this make the buyers lives easier?


2. Value: Honesty of your marketing campaign, do a buyer know that this is the truth about the product?  You have done your research  on the product and read all reviews to make sure this product does what it says it will do to solve the buyers needs. 


3. Value: Endorsements of the product and showing your buyers what others are saying about this product.  Is this a product you use yourself? This goes hand in hand with the second part of providing value to your customers.

In conclusion, will these tips ever rule the world?  What do you think?  How did this article help solve some of your  marketing strategies?  This is the time to explore your options and use what is best to market your online business.  Careful planning is paramount to a good dynamic marketing campaign.  I look froward to seeing how you will execute your plan.  Thanks for allowing me to explore the  mysteries of the Universe with you.

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Images provided by Pexels and Pixabay respectfully.


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