Digital Marketing Made Simple: Using What You Know To Get What You Want

 Things To Do To Make Your Business Grow Online

1.We all have friends on Facebook. This is where we have our best chance to post images, events, and promotions to show our business in a purely organic way. Using the Facebook business page to help promote your product and brand.  Make post that are relevant to your business to keep existing clients and potential clients informed about what is going on with your business. Facebook can be a good source for scheduling meets and events you are promoting for your clientele.

2. Reach more customers with easy-to-do promotions and boosted post.

3. Create Facebook Ads by choosing an objective and selecting targeted Facebook groups on your business page.

4, Make connections with lead generating materials online that will help grow and increase sales.

5. Always test your Ads to measure how they are performing and what results you intend to achieve.

6. Plan, create, reach, and optimize all forms of social media be it Instagram, Tiktok, or Linkedin to gain more followers and viewers.

7. Communicate with your audience with posts, pins(Pinterest), Twitter feeds, and all links on social media. You must try and understand your target audience by demographics, age groups, gender, and what types are in need of your products and or services.

8. Analytics are the key to tracking your engagements to let you know how many people are coming to visit your site.  Keep a keen eye on who comes to visit and if they share and like or comment on your post. These are your best sources for generating leads that target your niche audience.

9. Begin to connect with people in your local community as well as your neighborhood and local business sources. Use these local organizations to keep your business abreast of current affairs and things that could impact your business locally.

10. Build your Brand and use your Facebook business pages and post to help build your target audience within your niche. Raise awareness for what services and products your business is providing. Social media will allow others to discover what your company does and how others can learn about your brand; Remember the "About" section of your site can give a more in-depth look at what it is your business is there to accomplish and its mission.

The Simple Ways To Increase Traffic To Your Website: Start A Youtube Video!

Ok, this can be overwhelming for some but those who want to make the most of your post Youtube provides the idea platform. A visuals aid will strengthen your message and provide razor sharp clarity to your viewers. Your choice to be visuals can increase the possibility of reaching many potential clients that have not visited your website. The notion that your YouTube or TikTok channel can go "viral" is probable but we do not have to rely on only this point to gain brand awareness.

Perhaps one of the reason why so many online business are using web video as a means to drive traffic is because it is a great, and free, way to interact with potential visitors, as well as providing them with pivotal information that is fun to watch. Web video is an amazingly powerful way to show viewers information, and keep them posted on various products your may offer on your site. There are several keys to a successful video campaign that will help you reap the benefits of your channel.

The most important aspect is to make your channel interesting and fun as well as entertaining and above all informative.  Individuals will find your videos based on what they are about in the thumbnails. If you are selling a how-to book on fixing home appliances,  the best way to reach your target audience is to make short instructional videos on how to fix various problems within the home. This can provide your viewers with value and you will be helping them solve a problem.

More often than not, when you provide a video that answers a question, the viewer will come to your site to find other answers to their various questions. Do you think this is a good way to build loyalty with potential customers? Will this give them an actual reason to purchase your product? I will let you be the judge of how this technique can aid in building a digital marketing tool for your channel. The platform will be up to you so find what works for your own desired outcome.

And, by placing your video, along with the proper keywords, on Youtube or Tiktok you will soon be experiencing a flow of constant traffic to your site.  Although, if you do not want to go through and post your videos on all the various social media platforms yourself, you can use video submission services such as Vimeo, Fiverr, Upwork, and others that will do this for a fee and keep you informed with how your video shorts are doing through analytics and engagements feedback.  Be very clear to explain what your goals are and how you intend to leverage their services for your website. The key is to find the correct site to place your video on.  A system that will submit your video to all of the major hosting platforms will grow your traffic immensely as well as organically.

In 2022, millions have shifted to remote work literally overnight. It is say that 81% of people want a full-time remote or some hybrid of this new work model. This is why video has become the chosen medium of the day.  Zoom meetings to Skype happy hours to explosions of short Tiktok, video is becoming a key part of our everyday life. The reality of our reliance on video is not changing anytime soon. Start your channel today and watch it help grow your business on all levels.

Create An Online Store And Marketplace

Esty is an eCommerce platform that facilitates its sellers to sell their custom products. This site is for those of you who wish to create their on customized products and sell online. Esty is vastly becoming a go-to site for crafts people and do-it-yourselfers that wish to grow brands online that are personal and unique. Handcrafted products by artist, painters, DIY experts is where this platform shines the most. Use what you know that will be marketable items that can be sold online through Esty as a part-time seller or as a full-time seller. You will be in good company to explore the world of arts and crafts and how and what items are selling and how you can take advantage of this platform.

Simple Life 

Our modern day lives can seem complicated and complex. How can we make this simpler and stress free?  Simple in itself is to show humility and grace in all things. To cope with stress or complications it is more substantial to understand the value of simplicity.  Bret Micheals'
popular song"Every Rose Has It's Throne", comes to mind as we think about our lives. Our lives are not a bed of roses by any means.  Every rose bed has its throne and every person owns what nature has granted them.  Remember, that the sun shines now will set after sometime and with joy will come pain. The Ying Yang concepts represents balance and harmony and suggests that everything in nature is composed of opposite but complementary elements. Why is this important to you as a business? What can a simple approach do for your business?

Results: To get better results we need to apply simple focus on one thing instead of indulging in many complicated and complex task that are time-consuming and lead to burnout and wasted energy. Can complicated decisions result in the worst outcomes?  When we are stuck doing hectic task and massive work all at once, the downside is that we cannot expect optimal performance in the best ways at anytime.  I would say find the simple option over all and be straightforward.  Get better results and don't sweat the little things as we know most problems can be solved when we breakdown its parts as simple.

The more your bring simplicity into your life the more harmony will come with your decision-making process and things will become less ambiguous on many levels.  STOP CREATING AMBIGUITY.  We may find that many challenges we face can be decided by how vague or simple we make them. You will find that most of us move in our complex ways and remain stuck with challenges until we can find a easy solution to move on.

Make Your Digital Marketing Simple

The path is to be as simple as possible and remove all unnecessary elements, attributes, and features that will bring complexity to your life.  Keep all things simple as much as possible and start to move without hesitation and uncertainty.

We are here to give value and our time as entrepreneurs to help those who are searching for answers. Keep it simple to the point of stupid!  It is where you will find that with less is more and things will become easier.  What other ways are there to make balancing life than to be simple in your approach and actions? 

"Everything should be made simple as possible, and no simpler."( Albert Einstein)

Is Your Email Listing Slowing Your Success?

People do not just like to hand out their email addresses online. We can see why this is for very good reasons, i.e., privacy, spamming information, and random cold emails that don't target a specific need. The question is how do we get more newsletter sign-ups and subscribers to our channel and website? How can we solve pertinent issues quickly and easily?

Studies show that the number one issue facing small business owners today is not having enough qualified prospects. A simple sales lead that can be inexpensive to set-up can be your answer to this problem. The types of keywords that you use to generate leads can be the difference between being seen consistently and being completely ignored by your potential customers. Delivering the most relevant results in the search engine will help  customers find your campaign easier and keywords used will cement your intentions as a seller or provider of services.  Individuals pay Google search engine a great deal of money as they bring the most relevant, most targeted paying leads for their business. Use your Google My Business app to keep your customers updated on what your business can do for them and how you can solve their pain points. I recently helped a client whose business was listed on Google as permanently closed when in fact it was opened for business during normal working hours. The owner had no clue as to why when a potential customer came to visit the site is stated it was indeed closed "permanently". The simple fix was to have my client install the Google MyBusiness app and go to the info section and change the hours to read open and what times and days of operation they would be opened. You don't have to know everything about digital marketing, just what is pertaining to your business specific needs only! Use your emails to target a specific focus group and develop a constant rapport with your subscribers that will lead to long term relationships.

The gist here is to not to rely on cold emails to your clients without giving them something that helps them find you easy on the internet. Your objective will be to give them something for free or a software package that may consist of a free e-book, tutorial, or a giveaway. Tap into the power of Google search to construct good lead generation through keyword research and be proactive in enlisting help if you don't know. Employ the services of a virtual assistant that can understand your intentions and needs and help keep your digital campaigns direct and to the point. These assistants can be found on Fiverr and Upwork.  Remote work is becoming the norm in today's digital online economy. Utilize your resources and don't be afraid to be different and creative.

Managing Your Fundamentals! Money, Money, Money, Money!

Online marketing is just like any other business - you need to run it by handling your money wisely and building it step-by-step. Rome was not built in a day and if your try and hurry the process, you will spend yourself into the poor house and thus your business financials will suffer. Do not spend all your revenue on products, training materials and seminars tickets while mortgaging your house, refinancing your auto and selling everything that is not nailed down. Your business requires revenue to operate in order to survive and without it you can't take your business to the next level.

Online marketing pays little at first but only after your business is stable and growing will you be able to achieve wealth, freedom, and growth at an exponential rate. That day will arrive, but before that materializes, you need to be realistic and endure today...otherwise, you will never see tomorrow.

Caring Is Sharing,  So Who Cares?

Credibility is what brings individuals to your website faster than any other form of marketing. In the digital marketing space it is difficult to show others that you are successful when you are just starting out. My friends and family will spout that bothersome question, "So how much income are you bringing in in your business now?" This is rather annoying, right?  You often wish these individuals would be quiet and just join your business or buy your product? Let me share a secret with you - a sincerely successful networker will not even hear this question asked by their prospects! The reason why candidates will ask you this question is because you have literally no credibility that gets leads and sales; credibility that gets you the ever important and lucrative referral business. Establish credibility early and establish it strong.

Before one can construct a large building, you need to construct the base first. You may take a long time to laying the foundation before you see even a single laid brick, but it is deserving of all the time in the world setting the correct foundation.  Your online marketing business is just like this scenario described.

Credibility can be accomplished by using testimonials, studies or test by recognized sources. Testimonials are tricky, you need learn how to use them correctly to be sure to get them right. Studies need to either be documentable or else done by a third party or acknowledged credible source.  Test fall under the same family; it isn't enough to say that studies prove this or that..., you need to provide the source that is credible as well.

Businesses that do not spend time building their credibility are likely to build their business on an unstable foundation. If you spend the time building your credibility and establishing your name or brand, you will find that building your business later on is much easier as you will not need to convince individuals again and again that you have what it takes to lead them to accomplish success. What is even more pressing is the fact that a strong credible business urges others to work harder for you and for themselves. If you are in a business without credibility, your potential clients and customers won't listen to you the least as well as will not buy products from you.


Put a duplication system in place that is simple and reliable. Simple is the best life once again people. Simple enough for your team to follow, for we are not lone rangers in this quest to digital marketing. It is human nature to throw in the towel easily... only a select few will survive above all odds and fight for success, but in NETWORKING marketing, you will never survive alone.
The value of making sure your team and associates, regardless of how hardworking they are, could not even have the contacts like you and they will struggle to build their contacts as well. All the same, there is a way to duplicate the lead generation process and make it simple enough to replicate and get reproducible results day in and day out.

The email response process can be automated thus allowing you and your team to benefit from robotics that are more predictable compared to human nature. The fact that you can automate the process again and again without hitch is what this digital world is all about. The advantage is to be consistent across the board with technique and presentation. Show your team how they can produce desired results with systems such as AI and other digital tools for marketing. We are getting closer but their is still a ways to go in ironing out how we market our business online. Providing your clients with these tools can be a value to them as well as your company's success.

Thanks for allowing me to share the mysteries of the universe with you.

Please feel free to contact me for any sources on digital marketing you may find important to share with others. SHARING IS CARING.


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