Habits That Produce Results: Why Normal People Won't Make Money Online?

The Digital Marketers Toolkit

We are going to focus on a few things that are important to all digital marketers toolkits.  Let us start with talent, skills, or whatever you possess that makes you " extra" as a business. When we study some websites you'd think that all you will have to do is press a button and instance magic, PRESTO... the money comes dropping out of the sky.  Simply it does not work that way for many reasons. Do you agree? Any type of business calls for hard work and a big part of this work calls for either some sort of skill set or training or the resources(money)to hire trained staff to do the work for you. If you run a simple digital marketing business where you create articles to promote affiliate products the model is quite simple and take relativity easy steps. Get your product out if front of as many people as possible and promote to drive as much traffic to your website.  However, there are a lot of skills needed to make this model work for you to be effective. What skills do you possess that will facilitate your goals and get potential customers to buy from your affiliate website?

You first must be able to write good content that will hold your customers attention and give them a reason to engage with you. Does everyone have the skill set to write? There are individuals who have NO compositional skills whatsoever.  Sure, they can outsource this type of work to have others do their bidding but this will cost you money. The fact that you maybe starting out and don't have the funds needed to pay for such expenses is a fact of life that isn't going to go away as you move forward.

I have enrolled ins many content marketing courses that are on the internet and these classes and courses take time and can be done for very little money. The main takeaway is your TIME. Do you have this kind of time? The additional skills required are keyword research and finding your appropriate niche to research. You want to find a niche where individuals are spending money and a product that has been proven to SELL. This is not an innate skill but must be learned like everything else we do as digital marketers.

Work Ethic: Be Enthusiasm

A few individuals are just not prepared to do everything that is called for to make it as an online marketer. When these individuals find out how hard it is and how much work is involved...they give up and quit. Why is this? Is it too much for them? Do you have the drive to continue when others simple do not? Others will not always notice your efforts and skills as you began. Your enthusiasm and excitement about what you are doing becomes the main attraction. This can be the tipping point that drives others to follow and sign-up for your subscriptions or whatever you are offering. Your level of energy is key to others being as excited about your campaigns as you go forward. People are drawn to positive energy and genuine enthusiasm. Your motivation to succeed or fail is equally matched as an entrepreneur. Whatever do I mean by this? Did Elon Musk stop space exploration after many failed attempts that could have brought his company to ruins and ultimate failure? Did he see what others could have never foreseen and continue his quest to succeed at all cost? This is what some on the internet are calling the Monk Mindset. To go deep inside oneself and realize that only positive energy and dogged tenacity will more often than not yield the desired results you seek. Make your story compelling and others will find value and began to have the same enthusiastic approach that you possess. All of our achievements are sparked by our enthusiasm. If you are not convinced about your product how do you expect others to be as excited about what you are selling? Remember, the power of energy IS and has been found to be contagious. Make sure you carry that kind of energy and enthusiasm into all your pursuits and projects you wish to promote. People are generally drawn to positive people and their energy. You do not have to be loud or intimating to be effective. The rub is to find the appropriate level of energy that is needed to get your foot inside the door of a potential client or buyer. It will be up to your customers to make the decision to purchase and/or sign-up for what you are offering inevitably. BRING THE NOISE! Cultivate your mind, body and soul to grow organically and share your enthusiasm with all you come in contact with about what it is you are doing to improve and expand as a person and business. 

"Enthusiasm is excitement with inspiration, motivation, and a pinch of creativity."(Bo Bennett)

The Marketing Funnel

If you are marketing a high value and presumptively high profit product or service, a multi-tiered direct sales funnel will have strong implications to your bottom line.

Multi-tiered sales funnel is the strategic marketing example that can direct your customers through a series of marketing actions that climax in profiling your ultimate high value product and/or service.

You must recognized from firsthand that selling a several thousand dollar product online is something that happens daily, but very seldom is it done straight away. Let's see how we can began to utilize the multi-tiered direct sales platform to make this our reality.

It is a simple fact that making a sale to an existing customer is several times easier than making that same sale to a new prospect, particularly if your new product is akin to the one the customer already bought in the past.

What is not so perceptible is that in the head of the customer making another purchase, a potential on your part, that is in the same price range, is a manageable step; a price point someplace approximately 2X to 10X of the former product appears to work well.

So blending these two observations, we may migrate customers from a $50.00 entry level product to a $500.00 mid-level to a $2000.00 product with the kindred ease, since at every step, we provided exceptional value, and proved we can keep the next step in the same price sphere as the former...this multi-tiered sales funnel is easily modified to even higher priced products. There have been those who have used it to sell $20,000.00 coaching programs easily, just by adding a $9000.00 step up from the $2000.00 product.

So, why do this in this way? The first method we have already hit on this a bit, and it is because attaining the first sale, as long as you have supplied true value and addressed your buyers well.

The second notion is that it is crucial, it's much easier to optimize the early stages of the sales funnel since the first step into becoming our customer is a product for less than $50.00. You are able to begin making a small amount of money while building up your client base. Then you advance to optimizing the creatives in the next tier of your funnel and so forth. This alone enables a much more methodical and strategically optimization plan that will let you profit while getting to the point of making that high end sale. There are several Coaching Consulting firms and individual who have learn this technique to gain great advantages today.

Naturally the campaign will not be 100 percent, but if you do an adept job writing your sales copy, it is straight forward to market at least a third of your customers over time to each next stage in the product pipeline. And since you will be bringing in money, improving each stage becomes much easier and less costly to achieve.

" Enthusiasm is the electricity of life. How do you get it? You act enthusiastic until you make a habit."( Gordon Parks)

Mass Marketing For The Big Boys And Those Who Think Like The Big Boys

That is what you have come to hear in the advertising verticals more often than not today. But the big boys were once small also. They started like you small and slowly matured into a size to be reckoned with credibility and clout. Likewise, if you are prepared to work hard  and consistently grow your mass marketing business, overtime , you should see your business began to flourish. But this will require a lot of grit and patience, which is not what everybody naturally has.

One interesting observation is that many successful affiliates start off with niche marketing first before they move into mass marketing. Does the instant gratification yielded by niche marketing make it more sustainable to start off with this mode of affiliate marketing over mass marketing?
After all, every affiliate needs to come across some real income generating into their accounts to remain motivated. However, if you want to move into the upper realms of the ultra successful, you will need to adapt a mass marketing mindset.

If your niche is in the fields of personalized arts and crafts,  around-the-home improvements, cooking for better health results, or fitness coaching it's a good practice to know a few points that will help you define how to present your products to a larger demographic and scale your business. Study these questions as you plan your marketing strategies:

1.  Am I comfortable in front of a group, or am I better person-to-person?

2. Am I a better communicator verbally or in print/on paper?

3. Am I a better communicator over the phone or in person?

4. Which makes me feel more triggered: Prospects who just saw an advert and responded to it, or referrals who anticipated more?

5. Are your presentations well-received when you work as a part of a team, or do you get a fuller response from my audience when I'm delivering solely?

Play up your strengths as much as possible and find ways to better your skills rather than centering on your weaknesses. Defining your marketing strengths and focusing your marketing efforts toward those assets, you will be able to build a dynamic sales funnel model. Always start with these prisms in mind. Let these answers make your objectives clear and pronounced from the start as you move forward with your campaigns.

Discovering Why Your Life Purpose Matters

When we as entrepreneurs and businesses sit down to write up a purpose or mission statement, we often lack sufficient clarity to do so succinctly. How exactly are you supposed to specify your purpose? Are you merely supposed to know it and force it out of your brain matter? What if you are able to imagine many different missions that might fit you, but you have no idea which is better? What if you cannot think of anything at all that appears meaningful to you? Then what?

Simply because you may not have any preconceived purpose does not mean you don't have a purpose. However, it merely means that it will take more work to specify your purpose. Your purpose is not something you truly discover. Would you say that your purpose is something you co-created founded on your relationship to reality? We can dig a bit deep here if you'd like. I would not exactly call it a free choice as there may be multiple choices for you, but all options are not evenly valid. We must acquire a knowledge-based method for formulating your purpose, a process that adds up, such that when you arrive at your concluding answer, you have a high sense of faith that it is right for you.The process may lie within the confines of an emotional subset of reasons. We often call this your passion. Your purpose and passion go hand-in-hand. Once exposed, you will commonly find it is something you're enormously passionate about. 

Get yourself a notepad and start to write down at the top. What is my honest purpose in life?
Now, try to compose any answer that comes to mind instantly. This does not have to be the perfect sentence. A short phrase will do fine. Duplicate this short phrase in three different answers to the question you composed. When you are filled with emotional energy and moved by this answer, this is your purpose. This drill may seem useless to some and makes utter sense to others. The fake answer will come from your mind and memories. The true result will feel like it is coming to you from another source altogether.

The second part of this exercise is to apply your reason and logic to work down from your context. The clearer and more exact your context is, the easier this will be. To discover or uncover your purpose you essentially project your total context of reality onto yourself! What you are truly doing is viewing your overall context of life and casting those same qualities onto yourself. This projection becomes your purpose, your true role in life. Let us make sense of this before someone thinks we have lost our beautiful minds.

Think of a hologram. When you lop off a piece of a hologram, the total original image is still held within the smaller piece. You are the small piece and reality is the large hologram. You intern come into all the attributes of reality, hence the larger hologram. Your notions about reality becomes your beliefs about yourself. If your notions are precise, you will end up with a sensible, accomplishable purpose. If your context is healthy, you should get congruent results from both plans of attack. Your emotional and rational intelligence will each word your purpose differently but basically the same. Artist and creatives defines this technique as simply," Heart and Head." This helps musicians discover what a composer was intending to convey in a musical composition or passage. The artists' painting forces you to see and feel on both  a tangible and tactile level by asking the question; "How does the painting make you feel?" Yes, it can seem far-fetched to some, but this technique will help you discover problems in your context. We generalize and emote our reasons to like or not like something on many various different levels. 

Confer with your emotional intelligence. Ok, I seemed to have gotten off on a bit of a tangent here once again. I digress.

Specify Your Vision

Your business plan has been often referred to as your most important start to your company's success. We all need to sit down and compose a business plan that specifies our vision of where we see us in a five-year timeframe. Among the best examples of what can happen when you produce a solid action plan is that of Dr.Martin Luther King, Jr. When he announced, "I have a dream," what followed was a vision that altered a land.  Dr. King distinctly outlined his vision. That vision manifested because individuals took action.

A vision statement is produced from beliefs, values, and principles you have about success and what you want to achieve. It centers on the path you intend to travel and describes the future you desire to see.

Remember it this way: While your action plan is the blueprint for your success, the vision statement is the blueprint for the accomplishment of that specific plan. 

A vision statement needs to be truthful and believable. It is a description in words that helps everybody connected to it comprehend its purpose including you. It should function as a guide to action and be in alignment with your values and what you want to accomplish. In a nutshell, a vision statement should challenge and inspire an individual to achieve its desired mission.

A mission statement describes your desire to you and anyone else who may be involved. It has one basic function: to serve as a guide for you and anyone else involved in making decisions that effect the direction of achieving your goals. Make sure your team is made clear to what this is from the rip. Always onboard new team members to orient their vision to the company's mission.

A typical mission statement contains three(3) components:

1. The purpose of your action plan or goal

2. What your goal will accomplish

3. The value you hold

A good action plan will always have the benefit of a good mission statement. We all have the ability to become abundantly successful. Some of the most successful people in the world attribute their success to writing that first initial  action plan for success in one form or another.

Success action plans are potential roadmaps to accomplishing that kind of success. As with all roadmaps. sometimes there are detours. turnabouts, or unforeseen road construction, but in the end, they lead us to the charted destination. So, by taking a little bit of time, thought, and planning our action plan will allow us the tools necessary for others to learn and used when faced with marketing decisions that align with our true value.  Here are a few steps to help you finalize  this whole process.

Make Modifications As Needed

Modify the success action plan as necessary. The wonderful thing about action plans is that they can be altered and added to reflect any updates. An unforeseen detour and /or road construction to your roadmap or plan is cause to modify the success action plan. For instance, if an athlete's goal of running outside five miles in the park day-after-day hits a snag upon hearing the forecast of a dangerous snowstorm.  Rather than running in the park, the athlete will have to use a less suitable means of exercise, the stationary bike. The athlete is still going in the right direction on his or her intended goal, but has had to take a temporary side road to accomplish this task.

Review Your Plan: Update as Possible 

Review the success action plan. The best success action plan in the universe is worthless if it is not fully reexamined periodically. Review the success action plan as often as necessary in order to accomplish the sought after goal.

Setting Daily Goals Are Small Indeed

The most effective way to check a task is to get rid of it altogether. If it doesn't need to be done, get it off your to do list. PRIORITIZE WHAT IS IMPORTANT.

A central dogma of many time management and personal productivity systems is that you need to expand more of your time doing those activities that are more crucial for reaching your goals, and less time doing those matters that are more insignificant.  You must spend most of your time each week doing tasks you do best, and let others do what they do best. Delegating some of your tasks to others on your team who are more qualified can free up your time and energy to follow up on your highest priority goals. If you need to hire an accountant to do your taxes instead of doing them yourself, save this time to do more which will free up a couple of hours of your time. Naturally, each of us has to work out the value of one's  time versus the economic cost of hiring somebody to do these kinds of task and other jobs.

Without a clear focus, it is sometimes too easy to buckle under to distractions. Set targets for everyday beforehand. Decide what you will do , then do it. When discussing our goals we tend to see them as nothing more than dreams. Actually, we can accomplish goals on a daily basis. Daily goals contribute to weekly goals. Weekly goals add to monthly goals. Monthly goals add to you guessed it--yearly goals. With some prevision and planning, our goals can be something we accomplish day in and day out. How should we arrive at this in conclusion?

List your goals every day to get into the habit of achieving even small tasks. Even if you face a slow day, it is still a beneficial idea to set goals for yourself. The sooner you assume the habit of setting daily goals, the earlier you will get into the habit of meeting them. Keep your everyday goal lists in one place. Use your calendar and notes application programs. This will help define what it is you are looking to accomplish from days and weeks passed, which can make it simple for you to see how systematically you are meeting your goals.

In conclusion, try and be as honest about your daily goals. A goal like "Make $1000.00 before close of business is undefined and unrealistic... trying something more on the lines of "Networking with four(4) clients"which is totally attainable--and just may help you work toward that $1000.00 mark. See your actions as "building blocks" of weekly and monthly goals. If you prefer to send email marketing material to ten(10) prospective clients by the end of the week, make this your goal to send out emails to two(2) prospective clients per work day.

You do not have to be normal in what your mission is, in reality be EXTRAORDINARY! Treat your goals as the life blood to achieving the amount of success you wish to see. The balance in life is to find that medium that suits your individual needs and effectively allow yourself to grow as a person and business. If you came here to learn how to improve your business you are starting the journey of extraordinary. Be positive and productive to a fault. Don't take every little thing so serious. Always remember to make the best of all situations. 

Thanks for allowing me to share the mysteries of the Universe with you once again.





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