Why We Use Google Ads Display? Realities and Expectations 2022

 Maximizing Your Google Display Ads Account

Google Display Ads reach 90% of the global internet users across more than 3 million apps and websites. Google Display Ads will help you deliver relevant advertising as people browse the web. It connects your business with your customers, those that are future and existing. Variety in bidding options, popular ad formats, and transparency into performance, Google Display Ads drives results every day for thousands of advertisers around the world.  How does this happen? Let us explore what I've learned from a course on Google Display Ads implementation. Please, see if you can gain some knowledge of how this system can help with your marketing program(s).

1.Google harnesses best-in-class intent signals to place ads against the most relevant content, driving your marketing results.

2. Massive Scaling: Run your ads and content with your audience through Gmail, YouTube, and millions of other websites.

3. Measurable Performance: You can maximize results with GOOGLE Display Ads in measurable performance.

4. Easy Campaign Set-Up: Once you have indicated your marketing objective, Google Display Ads will bring you the features and options that are relevant to what you want to accomplish.

Intent Signals Plus Machine Learning

Googles' intent signals and machines learning enables greater relevance to achieve your desired outcome at scale. Google analyzes user activity across our owned and operated properties and over three (3) million websites and app partners to generate a clear understanding of user preferences.

Effective Use Of Machine Learning

Google uses advance machine learning capabilities to bring best-in-class automation, bidding, and targeting to reach users at the right moment. This also includes unique insights of six (6) properties with over one billion users. Google's proprietary, real-time view of content and users' behavior on our owned and operated properties and across the web powers our unique understanding of users' intent and our full audience suite. Reach users in the moments that matters.

An example would be a small business owner such as let's say Tiffany, who runs a neighborhood bakery and becomes the owner and marketer. She uses Google Display Ads to raise awareness about her business, as well as acquire new customers.  In contrast a larger business with a digital marketing manager, which sells electric bikes and cycling gear both online and at brick-and-mortar locations around the world will see benefits as well. The larger bike shop company uses Google Display ads to drive action and increase their sales.

Smart And Standard: The Display Campaign Types

Smart Display campaigns are campaign types that use full automation. It bundles together all the pillars of successful display campaigns and access the best of Google's machine learning capabilities to optimize and automate nearly all aspects of your Display campaigns. You provide a few inputs such as what your ads will say, images you want to us, daily budget, and cost-per-acquisition (CPA) performance targets.  Google will then mix and match your ads at scale. Smart Campaigns rely on existing CPA (cost-per-acquisition) models to set the bids at the right time. They also use a new auto-targeting infrastructure to deliver the best of display targeting across the entire mid - to- and lower funnel and leverage anew auto-optimized creative technology to combine raw creative assets (logos and images) and build custom ads for each auction
NOTE: To be eligible to set up a Smart Display campaign, you need to have gotten at least fifty (50) conversions on Display---Or at least hundred (100) conversions on Google Search in the last thirty days. 

Key Benefits To Smart Display Campaigns are:

1.Simplicity: Create your campaign in minutes by providing just three inputs;(a). BUDGET ( b). BID ( c). CREATIVE ASSETS. Let Google's machine learning technologies provide ongoing optimization and find as many customers as possible.

2. Insights: You will receive all standard Google Ads reporting and then also get new, supplemental reports based on insights that allow broad, strategic management instead of daily micromanagement.

3.Scale: Smart Display campaigns run across the abovementioned three (3) million websites and apps available on Google Display Ads, including Ad Mob, and owned and operated properties such as YouTube.

Three (3) Components Of Smart Display Campaigns

1. Automated Bidding: Instead of bidding manually, you specify a Target ROAS (return on ad spend) you would like to achieve, and Google will manage the CPC bids on a per-action basis, based on the likelihood that the auction will generate a conversion.

2. Automated Targeting: Targeting optimize where the campaign may run, which means ads increasingly shows where they will get you the most business. Smart Display campaigns drive remarketing and prospecting alike
3. Automated Creatives: Ads are automatically generated from the building blocks you provide. such as headlines, descriptions. logos, and images. They are responsibly fit into almost all ads' slots across Google Display Ads

Smart Display campaigns may be a good choice for you if you are new to advertising and want a fast and highly performance campaign. A focus on performance that currently runs on search that wants to reach new potential customers.

Value Proposition- A means of delivering both retargeting and re-engagement prospecting on Displays with performance, simplicity, and low time commitment. Those who want to attract additional customers beyond your manually targeted campaigns or simply your existing campaign structure. Drive incremental value via one campaign type.

A multiple mid-funnel campaigns running spend a lot of time micromanaging existing mid-funnel campaigns to find additional conversions. 

Value Proposition- Deliver better performance and reach than existing mid-funnel campaigns with significant time savings. If you have limited display advertising to remarketing but now want to reach people earlier in the buying process.

Another scenario to why a Smart Display Ads campaign would work is: If you are currently running remarketing, this will open to extend into mid-funnel to reach users who have not been on your website for pure acquisition. 

Smart Display campaigns are capable of running dynamic remarketing if you can connect data feeds to them. So, Smart Display campaigns aren't just moving remarketing only customers up the funnel by dynamic remarketing customers as well while using your feeds.

What Is A Standard Display Campaign?

If you are looking for full control over all aspects of your display campaign, then Standard Display Campaign is right for you. You can manually select your targeting, bidding, and ad formats.

Targeting is when building your first Display campaign, there are three objectives you'll be able to choose from:

1 .Build Awareness: Increase how well people know your brand.

2.Influence consideration: Encourage people to explore your products or services.

3. Drive Action: Get sales or leads by motivating people(customers) to take action.

Bidding, Best Practices: When bidding it is important to choose a bid strategy that reflects your marketing objectives. Use the four (4) main bidding strategies:

Enhance CPC: Automatically adjust your manual bid up or down based on each click's likelihood to result in a conversion.

Maximize Conversion: Drive as much conversion volume as possible within your budget

3. Target CPA: Automatically set bids to help you increase conversions while reaching your average cost-per-acquisition goal.

4.Target ROAS (Return On ad Spend): Automatically set bids to help as much conversion value as possible at the target return on Ad spend you set.


Ad Formats: There are two ad formats you can leverage for your Display campaign.

1.Responsive Display Ads: This will give you greater efficiency for your Display Campaign.

2.Upload Ads: As the name suggest, uploading images and AMPHTML for greater control.

In conclusion, we can see that there are many different ways to use our Google Display Ads to help us in most situations. The path is to be clear about your goals and objectives, as thus will lead to more generating of leads and potential customers. Google Display Ads campaign drives results every day for advertisers around the world. We learned all about the two (2) campaign types; Standard and Smart, both offering us a range of best practice result whichever we choose to implement.  The former offering full automation (Smart), and the latter, Standard offering us more control. It will be the testing of one or the other that can bring our vision of scaling into an honest perspective.

Thanks for allowing me to share the mysteries of the Universe with you. If you got something meaningful from this article, please feel free to share this with others in your circle. 







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