Train Yourself To Host An Online Event: Expectations and Realities In 2022

 How Does Event Hosting Effect Your Business Success?

The possibility of you having to host an oral presentation for your business is over 683% a reality in todays' virtual space. Speaking training cannot be over looked today, there is a growing need to adapt your communication skills to cater to the virtual context, do you agree? We may have all heard of pitching contest that are rated on how well your business or group can convince a potential client to try or buy a product you present(e.g., Shark Tank, the television series). Virtual events complement in-person events and research shows that 67%  of businesses use this method in this post-pandemic environment thus allowing for a wider reach and more diverse audience. The primary goal is to generate a sales and/or fundraising channel for a company, non-profit or non corporate entity. This marketing strategy is expected to generate as much as half of the desired sequence for an effective campaign. The virtual event space platform is said to contribute to seventy-eight percent to positive event ROI.

In 2019. 89% of businesses using event technology reported saving much as 200 hours per year, while 20% of businesses see 360 hours or more saved per year. Compared to around the time of the pandemic the results were 52% of businesses and organizations posting the same or increased attendance than they would have expected at an in-person event. The many advantages of a virtual event for business across various verticals is essential to future growth. Together with in-person events and your online events this new skill can strengthen a business' bottom line and visibility, pond intended.

Setting Up a Presentation Or Webinar

The best practices when scheduling your presentation is to start with a dry run to know how you will sound and check the audio quality of your event. Before going live, record a practice run to iron out the kinks and tweak your delivery. Imagine your audience as you record this presentation to review later for audio projection and refinement in communication. Getting your point across is the key, communicate as effective as possible. Scheduling your dry run will make the actual event seem less contrive and give your presentation a relaxed sense of purpose. Several dry runs leading up to your online event will make things a bit plausible to your audience in real time. Present as if you are doing the event live is considered a best practice. STAY RELAXED.

How You Wish To Be Seen?

Your physical space and it's surroundings are crucial to the on-boarding of a successful virtual event presentation. You are responsible for how others will see you and how it plays out to what theme you will be projecting. What am I talking about you ask? The background, the foreground, and all visual cues that may imply what your presentation is about. For example,  if you are discussing politics, it is best to have as neutral background as possible. If you find that items such as book spines or controversial materials are a distraction more than a benefit to your virtual event leave these items out or have them checked to prevent the client from making any wrongful judgements on what you are stating. I know I've seen some book spines in virtual presentation that can be asset to the intended presentation and others that have a natural proclivity to mislead the subject matter,(e.g. artwork or artifacts). STAY CLEAR AND CONCISE when checking your surroundings. The best practices are to make sure your audience's attention is centered on the content of your presentation not its' background.

Creating The  Content Outline 

The most important part of any virtual presentation is its' content. Making the right preparations in advance is key to how your viewers will relate to your virtual event. The reality is that even the a beginner can appear to have top-tier virtual presentation skills with the right informed outline. Prepare your outline to be relatable to the audience which is being targeted. Learn your audience and what are their pain points, yes I've stressed this point over and over. The more you know about your audience the more your presentation will be effective. Craft your content and its' delivery around what your audience's needs as to meet the levels of the audience's learning journey. I think that it should be a journey for both you and your audience that is satisfying as well as informative If you are an experienced, off-the-cuff, charming public speaker the outline is what will help you immensely. Why is this? The outline is not about you but about multiplying your success across your company. Would you rather "teach a person how to fish" or give them the tools and set them free to go it alone? The relatable action here is in the teaching. We will first start with a webinar format.

Webinars are the content booth camp of all virtual events. How many of us have used Zoom to join in on cohort hosted webinar. The webinars are a more stripped down version or format. The webinar puts more pressure on your content and delivery. The well prepared outline assure that your message is conveyed correctly and becomes the template for communicating with your desired audience segments.

I am not going to suggest a certain kind of approach or method for creating an outline. This will be entirely up to how your company is structure so in this instance, there is no one ideal way to outline. One tech-agnostic suggestion is to brainstorm(think-tank) your ideas in no particular ordered list. Identify the notion that you want to communicate most urgently. Set the narrative from the start so as to not mislead or confuse your audience. I often think that I overthink my own essays and the first paragraph and or sentence gets revised multiple times before I can set my narrative. Here is what I am saying in the first sentence:

 [The possibility of you having to host an oral presentation for your business is over 683% a reality in todays' virtual space.]


Did I grip your attention? Do you want to know more about hosting a virtual presentations? Once your keynote idea is introduced, the process of ordering that brain-dump list becomes much easier. This will trigger your initial outline! Now, make sure you get your point across as fast as possible. Avoid getting caught- up in hard to follow ideas. Trim your speech and exclude unnecessary words or phrases. Pay particular attention to the quality of your designs and slides. Make sure your visual components stand out, the more visual the better your message will stick in the minds of your audience.

Environment Of Technology

Good lighting and audio quality is essential to the video. Make sure to use the best resources you can when filming and recording. Sound quality is uppermost because your audience must be able to discern what it is you are saying. Please check my most recent essays on video presentation from my past post. There are many great sources to help get you ready for creating good sound videos over the internet.  A virtual teleprompter app or website can be of assistance to you if you so desire. Be sure it is situated at the top-middle part of your screen or as close to the camera you can get it. This way, you can still look like you are looking directly into the camera while you are speaking. When you are writing the script for the teleprompter write how you speak, make it seem as natural and not too formal. Remember, no outside distractions, even in audio.

And In Conclusion: Summarize

At the end of your presentation make sure you do a brief breakdown of your discussion's points and call to action. You can walk-through any points you felt should be cleared up. Use any catchy phrases or keywords that help your argument resonate, be sure to repeat this in the summary.

In conclusion, it is to your advantage to use this online marketing method because the cost are nearly nothing! Yes, nearly but as in all things business there is certainly a cost. The resources you use and the technology employed will affect your bottom line. Everything has its' cost, this online method can be a reasonable choice when compared to other alternatives. The virtual presentation is going live every moment of every day and even as we speak someone is making a video or webinar to inform others about their business. Jump in the waters and see what this method can do to promote your business. Be impactful and learn how event marketing skills can help promote results for you. Modern day speaker training should not overlook the virtual space.  Getting others talking about you and your company is a sure fired way to get traffic and gain interest in what you have to offer. Learn how you can have others join in on the conversation and capture the attention of those who most likely want to use and search for your product or services. Thanks for allowing me to explore the mysteries of the Universe.


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