Why Are Keywords Important To SEO? Learn These Tips Now Or Die Trying

 How To Get the Complete SEO Checklist: On-Page

We ought to initially realize that the best bloggers don't have superb composing abilities, yours truly included. The blogger ought to assume a sense of ownership with their substance's exhibition in the web crawler. "On-Page" SEO can assist you with obtaining the ideal results of the page streamline activity and bring more center traffic to your site. On-page content signals are one of the most weighted elements in Google's algorithm.

On-Page SEO is the act of improving substance and HTML source code to plainly characterize what your site page is and what data it is giving. A few pieces of your site's page that can be improved incorporate the page title, headers (h1 and h2) tags, URL, text content, meta descriptions, internal links and that's just the beginning. To work on your rankings with Google you should consider page structure necessities to advance both specialized and writing wise.

All this may seem dauting but learning to focus on what is important to your "on-page" SEO will gradually paid off in time and resources. I suggest you use as many sources such as tutorials and web videos to help you better understand this concept. On-page SEO can be fun, most of all get the traffic in turn promoting sales and leads for you. Don't be bashful, fall right in and see how you can benefit from how others are doing this to automate the process.


Optimize the title tag element in the head of the page. The title tag is the most weighted on-page element. This will become your blue link in the SERP ( Search Engine Results Page)- you want to write something interesting that will entice people to click through to your site.

Page Heading

H1 and H2 Tags: H1 tags contains the main heading for the page, h2 and h3s are for other subheadings.   Your goal is to write something conversational that described what the page is about. Make sure that the main keyword phrase for the intent-target of the page is present in both the title tag and your H1 heading. 

Image Optimization

When unloading your images, it will be beneficial to change the file names to include your target keywords. Remember your alt text, every embedded image should have optimized alt text that include your target keywords. Make sure to compress the image you are using. You do not want to minimize the file size, the larger the file the longer it will take to download. 

Meta Description

Using a target phrase in the meta description for the page is essential for On-Page SEO. Think of it likened to AdWords copy, you want something that the user to click through to your page and including your target keywords will make a huge difference. Two great resources for keyword research data are Ubersuggest.com and AnswerthePublic.com. Moz.com also has a keyword difficultly tool that helps you see the top competitors for keywords. Google's Keyword Planner is another good resource. The broader the keyword is the more traffic!

Ok, let's go back to what is so important about keywords once more. I may have provided you with some information on this topic in earlier post but just indulge me for moment.

What Is Keyword Research?

Keyword research is arguably the most important element of SEO. Keyword research is the process of discovering the keyword phrases related to your business that users type into search engines. It is basically figuring out how your customers will potentially find you online. Your entire strategy grows from the foundation of solid keyword research. You Dig? I think maybe I am handing you a bit too much and hiring a qualified SEO Agent would be a lot less stressful. You are absolutely right! The gist is to have an understanding that will give you more leverage when vising for traffic in the search engines. You cannot write relevant content without knowing the phases that people will use to discover it-or the phrases that Google associates with worthy content.  I have to admit that I struggle with this everyday.  It is a good thing, right? You can't optimize your page without knowing which phrases you should optimize for.

Match The Intent

It is not just about finding a business on the internet but figuring out the intent that searches have when looking for you. Match the main concept of what searchers is looking for. The intent behind the search. Keyword research helps us to understand the concepts that resonate with potential visitors. The things they are looking for and care about. Keyword phrases are scored based on popularity.  Once you've done your research, complied your list of keywords, and ranked them in order of importance or popularity, for. you will know exactly how to create content that will resonate with your potential users.  You are basically doing keyword research to find out what your audience is looking for.

Write and Optimize Content

In the early days of content, optimizing content meant keyword or stuffing keyword... TIP: Read your content out loud. It needs to sound conversational.

In conclusion we are looking to streamline our campaigns' checklist of things to do in order to impact more engagement to our website. Google for the term that people wnt to read about. This should be based on popularity and experience.  Make sure to set up Facebook audience insight by installing a Facebook pixel. Name your pixel and copy the code into the head of your site then Facebook will use a sort of tracking for who after coming to your website.  Now we are starting to collect data on our potential customers and this will tell you what the keyword ranks for. 
 Check for what keywords you already rank for on your site. This data will show up in Google Search Console, which is free. YOU SHOULD BE USING THIS DATA. A good recommendation is to go to Ubersuggest.com and use the the traffic analyze overview to see what all keywords that website ranks for. Get SEO tools that are often free. There are so many tools so use the ones that will help you see what rankings are getting you traffic. Go to YouTube that will provide you with more data on keywords in your space or niche.  This will require you to increase your brands on Google trends, collecting email tools and subscribers, you geussed it, Subcribers.com.  Explore these tools as they are becoming less and less expensive to try now more than ever before. 

Thanks for allowing me to share the mysteries of the Universe with you.


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