

Photos provided by Upsplash After recently seeing a young Alaskan girl, Lydia Jacoby win the 100m breaststroke gold medal at the Tokyo Olympics I was instantly reminded of the time I spend in Anchorage.  I was stationed at Fort Richardson back in 1984 and how I was surprised to see that the land I had imaged was nowhere near what came to my mind before I’d arrived there. All set to live in an Igloo this was not to be the case at all.  Of course it was very cold and the sky seem to be in a constant state of overcast.  No surprises there being that Alaska is mostly nine months of winter and three months of summer.  One man I meet in Fairbanks said he’d been there most of his adult life and that the climate was something you never get use to.   That appeared to be true for me as well.  I seemed to never know when day began and when nighttime started. All this is relative to this story which will emphasis my first encounters to this land they called The Last Frontier. First, the  Great Al

February 2412:Inspired By Las Huellas

Photos provided ny Upsplash  Violent warring factions sparring off against A.I. Machine-like factions,The Arnarnas are common in these times. The Humanoids, as they were called are heavily involved in the resistance. Alternatively, there children are  also dragged into the chaos. One leader of this elite group is led by Aton who is sent to join forces for recruitment against the machines. During his quest he is tricked into a corridor of deception.Aton is of the Sandust people. A race  that has been forgotten for centuries due to there supple ways and aversion to mutate into A.I.form. One long step down the corridors he makes a wrong turn. Acknowledging this he comes upon a handsomely Gold clad man called Bek. Bek is the Gatekeeper. Bek apperance is regal with elongated neck and protruding belly and a lower body form. Sitting at his console in solitude, Bek motions Aton forward.  Aton ask the fluorescent stranger where can his whereabouts be found?  Sensing Aton was apparently lost Bek

Home Remedies

Untitled Original Painting  Todays world is vastly becoming prescription-oriented.Ok, I don't have to tell you about all the new dynamic drugs on the the market today.Just the sheer impact of the T.V. sponsored programs can suggest and give you these in mass volumes.But what about those old home remedies we relied on in the past, chicken soup,camomile tea, and the likes.Did you know that a combination of vinegar and oil helps to stop spiders forming webs inside the home?How about water and vanilla favoring for small gnats.And the so many usages of Apple cider vinegar is beyond me.How did this all start?Did we as a society just woke up and said enough is enough and back to basics was the new order of the day.Things like CBD oil, herbal tea,teas for diet,olive oil as a moisturizer who will think of the next great potion.Snake oil salesman I tell you, just snake oil salesman.  Ok,I maybe getting off target with the humor but where is this all going.Does anyone remember Amway?Yes, the

Recurring Emotions

Photos provided by Upsplash   Memories of times now that past  Pleasantly hearts touching to last   Times of emotions steering thought  Though times emotions ere to brought  Happiness perceived later naught.  And years past holding emotion  Happy hearts truest devotion. Recurring emotions ne'er undone  Tis of past - there was only one.    Recurring thoughts - could live again?  Could one of past in thoughts regain?  Shall I touch her face - one known 'fore?  Years past gleams as one I adore. Is recurring thoughts a new door?  And years past holding emotion  Happy hearts truest devotion  Recurring emotions ne'er undone. 'Tis of past - there was only one   Recurring emotions now strike  Seeking whom thoughts and mine are like. 'Tis heartache or feelings surpassed? Do I know emotions shall last?                            Thanks for letting me explore the mystery of  this space with you in the universe.  


My 1967 Porsche 912 Experience: Part One   This maybe a subject that many of you have asked yourself of late. Why did Porsche create a Boxster and then a 911 with the same stylings in mind? I know what you thinking a moderately priced Porsche for the masses only to rival the the 911? Well, let us ponder this a bit. The first generation of Porsches back in F.PORSCHE day was the bathtub 356. As we all know the classic and most sort after unit is the 356 in any form or nomenclature. The four cam marvel was the thing cafe racers only could have dreamed of back then and Ferrari took noticed as it won race after race at Le Mans. Yet,I digress. In 1965 Porsche 911 was said to be the to end all  Porsches by Car and Driver. And when I look back at my little 1967 912 sitting in my driveway on Pestalozzi stre

The Plight Of The Artist In Our Society: The Update For Actors

Photos provided by Pexels Images Photos provided by Upsplash Since the wheel invention man has been involved with the creation of life’s challenges and how we could sustain a comfortable existence . Everyone from machinist to builders have cloaked our lives in enhancements of modern living. The plight of the artist has been no different as useful tools and thoughts that mankind have benefited from in one form or another.  Painters, sculptors, architects,  writers, and musicians have contributed enormous bodies of work for society’s ever-changing norms and values.  We need only to look to the great works of Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel or The Pizza de Colosseo in Rome, Italy to see the artists’ full pallet on display. The paintings of Claude Monet and thery're vivid colors reflecting a serene beauty that only enhances our experiences of nature. The writings and prose of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle or Anne Frank serve to investigate one’s imagination of how we perceive what is real or n


Photos provided by Upsplash   When we car enthusiasts speak of the "pony car" the first thing comes to my mind is the beloved 1965 Ford Mustang we all know and love.The 286c.c. engine unit that virtually took the auto industry by surprise or storm whichever you prefer.Ford Motor Company's massive campaign and promotion could read like a success story equivalent to Jeff Bezos' Amazon by todays's standards.The climatic run of the first generation Mustang from 1964 to 1971 has been nothing the likes of in Ford's history since its entry to the car building markets.So what was to follow in the footsteps of the original Pony?You guessed it, the second generation Mustang what Ford call the Fox Platform.If you are a baby boomer you knew what was to come along and have a drastic impact on this second-gen Pony.The 1973 oil crisis . Along with this crisis came other rigors of emissions controls and safety constraints one could say robbed the Mustang of the power plant