How To Affiliate Market In 2021 For Success

How To Affiliate Market In 2021

Affiliate marketing programs have sky rocketed in popularity over the past few years.  As one of the fastest and easiest ways to start an online home business people are jumping on the wave by the millions.  Affiliate programs offer merchants the opportunity to employ vast armies of sales people who get paid for their results.

The rewards for affiliates can be very good, and the skilled affiliate marketer can earn many thousands of dollars per month.  This is a win-win situation that has led to an explosion the number affiliate programs.

With this growth of affiliate opportunities have come many questions, such as; how do one go about choosing the right affiliate program for you?  What qualities should you look for in a program and which gives you a good chance of making a sustainable income?   This is why we came here in the first place.  Below are some tips that will help you to evaluate affiliate programs and help youth avoid wasting time and money.

What Commissions Does the ProgramPay

It is important that you know how much you cenexpect to earn from a sale. There is no point in spending time and money promoting a product that pays very small commissions. You could end up spending more on marketing than make on sales. It is probably best to stick with products with a high commission value , unless you have found a niche market where you can sell vast quantities of product, and make substantial commission on your volume of sales.

How Much Traffic Is The website Getting?

Try to discover the amount of traffic the affiliate owner's website is already receiving. is a useful tool for doing research.  If the website is ranked in the top 100,000, then the merchant is getting a good volume of traffic, so it is possible that there may already be too many affiliates.  If the site is ranked below 500,000, it may be no good, or it could be a golden opportunity to make some real money by becoming one of the first affiliates.

Always research merchant's product if their website has a low traffic ranking.   It may be a good idea to buy the product yourself if you can afford it. Otherwise you could do a search to find out if there are any negative reviews about it on the internet.  Be careful who you listen to though because many people are in the habit of bashing affiliate programs with nothing to really support their comments.  If you find a large amount of negative reviews with little positive ones then it would probably be a good idea to stay away from that affiliate program. More on negative reviews later and how to use them to your advantage.

How Often Are Affiliate Commissions Paid?

Some affiliate programs pay commissions every week; some once a month, others only pay every quarter.  It is important that you know how often you can expect to get paycheck if you going to have to manage your finances with this business.   Do you have the financial resources continue to market a product if you have to wait a long time before you get paid?  It would also be wise to find out the minimum commission that you have to earn before you get paid.

Does The Affiliate Program Pay Subsequent Sales?

Some programs will only pay commission on sales that come through customers visiting their site via a direct link from your site.   They pay you nothing for any subsequent purchases that the customer makes if they visit the merchant site directly.  It will be important that you get paid no matter what route the customer returns by if you are to build a sustainable affiliate business.

Does The Affiliate Program Use Tracking Cookies?

Many customers do not buy on their first initial visit to a merchant's website.  It is why the merchant may sometime use cookies for their affiliate program, so that you get credit if the customer returns and buy at a later date.   Check out how long the cookies last. The longer the cookies lasts, the better the chance of you getting paid!

What Marketing Resources Does The Affiliate Program Offer?

Focusing on the type of quality of the marketing resources that the affiliate program can provide is crucial to your successful marketing campaign.  Do they provide materials such as articles, advertisements, or other content that you can use to put on your site?  Do they provide free guides, special offers, free viral e-books, or product samples that you can send to your list?   If the marketing material they provide is good then is likely that he business will provide good support for their affiliates. Do your your research to find the right affiliate program for you. This is not an easy path but on that will lead to better scaling of you business as you move forward.  Listen to your instincts and use these questions as an aid to finding the right fit for you and your financial goals. You just might strike affiliate marketing gold!

Here Are A list Of Five Top Affiliate Programs

1. Clickbank: Clickbank is probably the easiest for first-time affiliates to start making commissions on product you promotion your site. Clickbank sells digital products, soil this where your niche is thenI recommend this program.   Again. due diligence's the key to finding the right product to promote that aligns with your target audience for optimal commissions. The commissions are calculated not as a percentage of Clickbank's earnings but as a percentage the owner's/seller's revenue. Clickbank earns 7.5% plus $1.00.  The payout comes to you twice a month and is very helpful for tracking conversion rates of commissions.

2. CjAffiliate:Better known as Commission Junction, CJ Affiliate is former vendors looking to scale and sell products.   There are many verticals that partner with CJ Affiliate that gives you a wider range of products and services to promote.   The claims is their cookie lifetime is 400-day. That seems quite impressive  when you compare to other programs using shorter lifetime cookies.

3.ShareASale:ShareASale has more offers to choose from with a range of 6000 to 3000.  I would rate this program very high.  The caveat here is that it may not be opened to all countries for promoting products.  Check to make sure there is an affiliate program in your region or country.

4.Ebay Partner Network: This is one of the affiliate programs that has more offers than say, Amazon.  The short cookie lifetime is mainly due to Ebay's auction module platform. This can be expected so when promoting chose a product that will sell in a timely manner. This  make take some time to get use to Ebay's short cookies but with  effort it may bring benefits for an affiliate.  Patients is mostly required in this and in most of these affiliate programs.

5.Amazon Associates:Amazon calls their affiliate links Special links.  It is no secret that this is one of the largest affiliate programs in the current marketing environment of online businesses.  Amazon has twelve(12) million offers and this where affiliates can see huge returns in their earnings.  With that being said, Amazon has the shortest cookie lifetime, one(1) day.  You will have 24-hours to get a referral. The recent cuts on commission rates do nothing to help.  I would say that if your are an experienced at the affiliate game then go for it.  Amazon has large systems in place to help you achieve your goals for scaling your affiliate business.  The low recommendation is not always a deal breaker but can be an opportunity for a resourceful risk-taker looking to grow into other markets moving forward. 

What Next?

The affiliate marketing programs start with an application process that can be a challenge for most first-time user. Here are some tips that will help you get approved for your desired affiliate program.

We must remember that application get read and approved by humans.  The right approach is to consider what you are trying to achieve as an affiliate. You want to give the correct information so that your application so you do not get denied.  You be asked about property types and partner type.  To answer these questions you will need to be specific about how you will answer this.  Here is how to increase your chances of getting approved.  The application is  straight forward and all have a question that you must answer. "PLEASE TELL US HOW DO YOU PLAN TO PROMOTE THIS PRODUCT?"

I recommend you start your answer by asking yourself these three key question.  Start by asking these three(3) questions to help you get a great response to their question.  1.What;2. Who; and  3. How. The how will you promote will be the first strategy to the application answer.  We will use a bit of finesse on the how.  Start with your social media marketing platforms.  Make sure you say that you will be doing content and social media as property type.  These are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media outlets that you will post content about their products. There are free blog sites such as,, and also this one You will state how your post will increase traffic to your site that will help to promote their product with written as well as visual content. Remember these are free and  does not cost you anything to sign up and get started.  Engagement is the key here so post as much content as needed to start your campaign, i.e., visual as well as written content.  In most cases a URL is required and this will satisfy that part of the application process.  If you have a landing page this will also satisfy this part of your application for a URL. The above blog site comes with URLs for you to use.  There you can use the referral links to bring traffic to these sites.

The second part if your answer is what will you do to promote this product. You can began by explaining what skills you can bring to your marketing campaign. We all have some skills that can be use to drive traffic to your site(s). Maybe you write a little better than most. Maybe you edit images and use videos as a tool. If you don't have a skill go online and get a free course on video editing. This will help you in the long run as a means to a greater end. You can learn to be a virtual assistant if you are good at filing and keeping track of data and information.  Maybe you are good at organizational skills.

Use a tutorial tools like Youtube to help you learn different marketing techniques.  A tool such as can give you vital information on finding out about the product and seller you will be marketing and promoting.  Use reviews of their products to see how you can better promote.  I find that people a more likely to place more information in a negative review than a positive review.  This can enable you to show your knowledge of their product and how to create a better sales strategy.

The last part is who will be your target audience. This answer should tell your prospective affiliate program the kind of people you are connected to on social media and other search engine platforms like  Start a Youtube channel and teach others what you know.  This can be an important part of you strategy.  This will show affiliate programs that you can also communicate your ideas effectively to others.  Who you plan to market these products will be crucial to the success of your affiliate business bottom line.  Find out about your sellers and how they market products in the past.  Use their competition sites to learn how other affiliates are doing things to bring traffic to their websites.  Make your answer to this question concise and to the point.  Use Google as a tool to learn about the affiliate programs you are applying to.  Become familiar with who these companies are and what they do. It will be advantageous to go to they're websites and use their informational content to help craft your answer.   They will see that you  have done your research on them and will believe that you can help their companies.  Focus on the strategy of what you are planning to do to not what you have done in the past.  Affiliate programs need to know how you factor into their company as a vital asset as you move forward. 

In conclusion, we can see that becoming an affiliate marketers take a bit of skills that will require of you to master.  This may seem daunting at first but most of these skills can be learned and obtained with help by doing research and planning. This is your business, what you put into it will bring rewards so breath and learn at your own pace.  This is not a race.  You got into this business for your own personal reasons so keep that in mind when starting out.  And if you need a little motivation look at it this way.  These affiliate programs need you to strive and help grow their business.  Your passions to learn and grow will be the defining cog in the wheel of e-commerce for these companies.  You represent the nouveau ways of doing things through basic trial and error.  You are at the forefront of this new technology.  Your improvisational skills are what will propel these companies to succeed in the future.  So, the real question you should be asking is; Why should I promote this product?  Is this something that will give value to my business as well as yours?  As an affiliate will this product help promote my chances of sustaining a living?  The ball is in your court.  Go out and find a company that aligns with your goals and passions.  Use the affiliate model as a tool to help you brand your company.  Maybe you can be that Golden Pony.  It only takes one blog, one Youtube, one post to go viral and who knows.  You might become the next viable affiliate marketer. " One never knows, do one? "

Thanks for allowing me to share the mysteries of the Universe with you.
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