What Are Some Digital Marketing Tips That Will Rule The World In 2022?

Did you know that in 2018, 81% of shoppers' purchase decision were influenced by their friends' social media post.

It's crazy too think that just a few years ago, we could never imagined our friends could be influential on our purchasing decisions. But it's clear that our online interactions are becoming increasingly important in shaping how we shop and what we buy.

So, why not just create your own online marketing strategy you can get started today by following these three steps.

Step 1. Identify your target audience. This means finding out who you're selling to, what their pain points are, and how your product or service helps with those pain points.

Step 2. Decide which online marketing platform/channels will work best for your business based on the type of product or service you offer, as well as which channel/social media platforms are most effective for reaching your target market for example, if you sell clothing, then Instagram is probably going to be better than Linkedin.

Step 3. Create content that speaks directly to your audience's pain points and help them solve those problems.

Digital marketing is the component of marketing that utilizes internet and online based digital technologies such as desktop computers, mobile phones and other digital media and platforms to promote products and services.

Its development during the 1990s and 2000s, changed the way brands and businesses use technology for marketing. As digital marketing platforms became increasingly incorporated into marketing plans and everyday life, and as people increasingly use digital devices instead of visiting physical shops, digital marketing campaigns have become prevalent.

Digital marketing employs a combination of search engine optimization(SEO), search engine marketing, content marketing, influencer marketing, content automation, campaign marketing, social media optimization, e-mail direct marketing, display advertising , ebooks, and optical disks have become commonplace.

Digital marketing extends to non-internet channels that provide digital media, such as television, mobile phone(SMS and MMS), callback, and on-hold ring tones. The extension to non-internet channels differentiates digital marketing from online marketing. We can use Youtube is a good example of online marketing in this case scenario. 

Digital marketing is the promotion and advertising of products, services or brands via one or more forms of electronic media so that customers can have access to the information they need anytime. Benefits include the ability to reach a broader audience and lower overall cost and measure results. For example, you can see how many people opened your email newsletter, and which links they clicked on. You can also learn who visited your website, view their demographics information and see when they came, in real-time or over a period of time, as well as view pages they viewed and track conversion rates by analyzing goals and traffic sources. The sooner you have this kind of information, the easier it will be to make changes to achieve desired outcomes.

My Online Marketing Course Will Give You What You Need

This is a lesson from my current ebook that will help you to achieve your goals in growing your online marketing business. I use these methods as a guide and resource/reference point to keep me on track of my online marketing business along with consistent work ethic. Yes, people you need a constant day in day out routine that fits your personal schedule if you wish to optimize your online business so lets get started.

Lesson One: Do you Really Know What Online Marketing Is?

Do you recognize what the oddest thing about most internet marketers seems to be? They say they are internet marketers yet they know little to nothing about what online marketing is really all about or how to stay away from the pitfalls.

If you have a look at the shape online marketing has gotten into you will see that its' deteriorated into a pitful mess in some cases where the bulk of marketers are pressured to hassle their candidates like a piranha, biting as though they are starving. This is one of the pitfalls to avoid when it comes to online marketing.

Just what is online marketing as well as some of the benefits?

Online marketing is a form of promotion that is comparatively inexpensive. Marketers can get to a broad audience for a small portion of what traditional advertising costs. Online marketing allows customers to explore and buy products and services at their own speed and pace.

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Consequently, businesses bear the advantage of appealing to customers in a method that can impart results rapidly. The scheme and total effectiveness of marketing campaigns hinge upon business goals and having the correct knowledge.  Internet marketers as well as possess the advantage of evaluating  statistics easily and cheaply. Just about all facets of an online marketing crusade can be deciphered, measured, and examined.

Internet marketers as well have a variety of advertising choices. The advertisers can use a variety of methods: pay per impression, pay per click, pay per play, and pay per action.

Consequently, marketers can decide which messages or offerings are most attractive to the viewers. The results of ad campaigns can be measured and tracked at once because online marketing ad campaigns usually requires users to click on an advertisement, visit a website, and execute a targeted act or action.  Examples would be to email sign-ups and free products to view online at your website.

This type of tracking can't be achieved through billboard marketing, where a person will at best be interested, then make a decision to obtain more information at a different time. What online marketing is NOT about is aggravating your friends and relatives to buy your products or listen to you try to recruit them for your business opportunity.

I won't put you to sleep with the technical definition of what online marketing is, as for our purpose we need to understand that online marketing is about LEVERAGE.

You see, an individual won over against his will, still has the same opinion. If you have to force other people to purchase your product, you aren't marketing - you're selling, and this example is actually HARD SELLING.

Individuals don't appreciate hard selling and this needs to be understood about online marketing. Conceive of receiving 30 calls from strangers daily requesting that you purchase stuff that you don't need.

You must realize that online marketing depends on leverage in order to avoid pitfalls. Think about the biggest "brands" around the globe - Nike, Estee Lauder, Louis Vuitton, Celine Dion, Steven Spielberg, etc... names like these don't need to brow beat you to convince you how good they are as the name speaks for themselves.

So, unless you are able to market your business in a way that does not call for any hard selling, you'll need to restructure and learn how to avoid the pitfalls or risk looking like a seedy salesperson. You may think I'm exaggerating whether you are in marketing or not... if so you may need a serious reality check.

Don't Believe You Can Sell a Baby a Car

A common pitfall I see with online marketing when it comes to their internet strategy is that they aren't truly looking at the target audience when they compose the content for their site.

Rather, they compose boring content that's centered on them - who they are, how you are able to find them, why they're significant, etc. Not only is that subject matter boring, it will not pull in the intended visitors and won't be pulling in free traffic from the search engines.

Another serious pitfall online marketers fall into - they continue believing that their online marketing business will redeem the Earth, but they don't recognize that the prospect may not see it like this.

Make no mistake,  if you are marketing to the wrong groups, i.e. , trying to sell a car to a baby, it doesn't matter how fast you think your car is, the 'candidate' just doesn't want it nor need it! By realizing this within an online marketing context, you'll comprehended that the bulk of prospects you're talking to, including all the individuals on your list, are not the individuals who are desirable for joining your newsletter or purchasing your products.

You need to comprehend that good candidates are seldom 'looking' for you. They're searching to solve a problem or get information. Hopefully, they'll discover you and you'll help them work out their problem through beneficial information online. If you're supplying value, you should be able to win over many visitors to your site to opt-in to get a free report or join your newsletter so that you are able to 'go forward with the conversion' by email or RSS feeds.

In order to draw in the correct prospects, you need to think of your target audience. Think of the various characters they may symbolize. Are they 35-year-old stay-at-home-moms? If so, how do they think and what type of speech do they use? What kind of subject matter might they be seeking that relates to your products or services? What are their 'pain points'? Do you have multiple characters that you can tap into?

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Some individuals believe that some family members will join because they're a favorite, but the truth is that the family member couldn't care less. They don't want to began a new business, and are comfortable in their life and don't even need your product to start out simply put, a smart individual would sort out their candidates instead of trying to continually bash their heads against the wall one un-targeted candidate at a time.

People in the bulk of online marketing circles don't teach you this. They tell you that everybody is a candidate, but actually, you have to center the right people and give them the right opportunity at the right time. If you're in online marketing, don't act like a bumbling idiot trusting that your product is the 'finest in the world' and that everybody must own one. This is where laser focusing plays an important role.


Pick your market wisely and center on your target niche market. Pitch your product or your opportunity to individuals who are already in tune with the idea and you'll end up with less wasted time.

The above lesson is the first lesson of fifty-five of my new ebook on digital and online marketing. Thanks for allowing me to share the mysteries of the Universe with you. The ebook will be available to download shortly on my website. Look for further announcements to come.

All images provided by Upsplash



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